They talk about us

Open days

Entering a new school is an important time in your child's life. New place, new rhythms, new materials and new classmates ... No wonder that for some children, these changes are sometimes a source of anxiety and many questions.

To reassure them, IBC organizes open days once a year. The opportunity is given to discover our school, its facilities, its training, its teachers and its atmosphere! This is the right moment for information and conviviality, while initiating an essential link in the school / family relationship.

Students and parents have the opportunity to learn about all questions relating to their projects and desires. The teaching team and the old students are at your disposal to share their programs and their experiences at school with you.

Parents and teachers at the end of a parent school session

Sports tournaments

Fully integrated into the school plan, inter-class or inter-college sports tournaments are organized regularly. This helps to increase school performance while improving the behavior of young people so that they increase their self-esteem. Students also develop a sense of belonging to the school and a of team spirit, which positively contributes to their academic performance.


As an extension of the affinities already existing in the lessons, the clubs reinforce the cohesion of the students in a recreational and strategic frame at the same time. We have several associations including:


The SECURITY club – its role is to ensure order and discipline within the campus

The DANCE club – develop skills and gestures within the students and provoke a vocation

Fashion SHOWS – revolves around self-control and the development of body language

The MAJORETTES club – develops self-control and captivates the crowd in order to host events

The CHOIR – brings together students who have a particular love for singing

ART and CRAFTS – promotes the development of personal skills thus helping to discover personal vocations

The ELECTROTECHNIC club – develops technical skills, awaken talents and stimulates the vocation of students

The DRAMA club – supports the spirit of creativity of the students

The HYGIENE club -teaches students to take care of themselves and their environment

The HEALTH club -allows students to react in the event of an accident and provide first aid

THE SPORT club – sport provides learners with a certain cohesion and respect for others through the rules imposed. It also helps fight obesity

The MUSIC club – develops among students the spirit of creativity in art

The ENVIRONMENT club – allows to learn how to respect the rules of the environment and discover those who have a „green thumb“

Pupils in the midst of cultural activities during Youth Week

Youth festival

During the week oft he youth festival in February, students engage in several recreational activities including:

Fashion show sessions 

The „game of unbeatable“

The racing game in the bag

Traditional and modern dances

Concerts given by a group of choristers

Dramatic Arts

Traditional wrestling

Back to school party for teachers and administrative staff

We can’t say it enough: eating is one of the best ways to connect with and be in touch with others. This is an opportunity to exchange views, to strengthen ties, to confide and even to work. Therefore teachers and the management board of the IBC meet once a year before the start of the school year to share a convivial meal. This is also time to discuss about all kinds of topics concerning the school education.