Educational support
Our students, mostly from single-parent, reconstituted families or with a parental substitute do not always benefit from an appropriate emotional follow-up. Building on this reality, the Cameroonian Ministry of Secondary Education has opted for the affective model as a prerequisite for the transmission of knowledge.
To better meet the educational, cognitive and emotional expectations of our students, we organize psycho-educational training sessions every trimester in order to equip our teachers in understanding and identifying the emotional demands of our learners. This is to help them better understand the students in relation to their family experience that may disrupt the educational relationship and thus have an impact on school performance.
During a weekly meeting during the "raising of the colors", the school director in his capacity as doctor-psychologist defines the orientations of the week and develops a theme whose objective is:
During a weekly meeting during the "raising of the colors", the school director in his capacity as doctor-psychologist defines the orientations of the week and develops a theme whose objective is:
– awareness of students
– moral and psychological support
– The reinforcement of their emotional quotient
(motivation, encouragement, congratulations, gratifications, confidence and self-esteem).

Award-winning academic excellence